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My wife calls her family for everything, once I'm broke she calls her mother to send her food items, I have begged her to stop, What can I do

By Mighty
16 October, 2023 - 04:27 pm
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My wife calls her family for everything, once I'm broke she calls her mother to send her food items, I have begged her to stop, I have gotten angry yet she said she can't be hungry in a man's house when there's excess in her parents house, my wife can't manage 3k to cook for me and a family of 4, she'll call her elder brothers and tell them I gave her 3k to cook immediately they will send money for her.

Can't a woman water down her taste to keep her marriage? They don't insult me but I feel not man enough, I feel less of myself, my wife is from a rich home and the house we are living is a wedding gift from her brothers, she's an only daughter and they over pamper her, they don't allow her ask twice.

I remember I bought a car for her when she delivered our first child my brother in-law knew about it before the car arrived cause I ordered through his company, he changed the car to something twice the one I could afford without my knowledge, when they brought a car to the house I said this isn't what I ordered my brother in-law said their  Ada can't be seen driving such after marriage.

They are planning to open a business for her and they didn't involve me in the plan, my marriage is not what I wanted cause I feel like I'm not man enough.

My wife doesn't appreciate gifts from me like when it's from her family, I got her a 75k watch she said thank you and for months she didn't use it, I had to remind her that there's a watch I gave her, but when one of her brother sent her a watch worth 260k she danced and used it always.

How do I handle this?


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