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Paw paw leaves for Hair growth 😍😍

By Bambam
21 August, 2023 - 04:02 pm
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Paw paw leaves for Hair growth 😍😍

Pawpaw leaves do not only promote your hair growth, It also prevents balding and thinning of hair.
The alkaloid component in paw paw leaves is effective in removing dirt and oil from your scalp reasons why it’s mostly found in some anti-dandruff shampoos.
It shines the hair and makes it healthy. It can also serve as a natural conditioner

 How to use paw paw leaves as hair treatment for your hair growth ☺️☺️☺️

 -Take fresh paw paw leaves, blend in a blender or crush in a mortar or with your hands until the juice is obtained. 
Apply on clean hair,cover with a plastic bag and allow it for an hour remove it and rinse your hair 
 -If you have the powder,take about 5 tablespoons of paw paw leaves’ powder or the quantity enough for your hair, add in it your best hair oil, mix it until a smooth consistency is obtained. 
Apply it generously on your hair and cover it with a plastic bag or shower cap. Allow it on your hair for about an hour or more then wash it off.


Credit to the owner


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