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By Finegirl
19 August, 2023 - 10:01 pm
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Stop Wasting Money On Buying Butter, Make It Yourself With These Simple Steps

The most important ingredients needed in making butter is milk. When butter is made, it can be used on bread, cookies, biscuits and so on.
Today, we are going to be learning how to make our own butter by ourselves instead of going out to buy it all the time.

So, What Are The Equipment And Ingredients We Need?
Jar or Plastic (with a lid).

✓ Pot.

✓ Bowl.
✓ Spoon (preferably wooden).
✓ Containers.
✓ Gas cylinder or stove.
✓ Goat/Cow milk (or Heavy cream).
✓ Salt (optional).
How Do We Prepare It?

So, we are going to first extract the cream from the milk. This can be done in two forms.
Light up your gas or stove, then place your pot on top of it.

2. Get the milk and pour it into the pot.

3. Heat the milk until it becomes creamy until you observe a think duskbor flat layer on top of it.

4. Use a spoon to scoop out the flat layer, and that is the heavy cream we need.

NB: You may decide to keep the leftover milk for other purposes. Also note that you don't need to go through these processes if you have a ready made heavy cream
5. Pour this cream into a bowl (you may add salt if you like).

6. Keep stirring with your spoon until you observe that it starts to solidify and some lumps are formed.
7. Continue stirring until you can see that the milk have separated from the solidifying lumps.

8. Drain the milk from the solidifying lump.

9. Continue draining until the lump is completely separated from the buttermilk.
NB: if milk remains in the lumps, it will make it spoil quickly.

10. Now get your solid lump and start pressing and breaking it. Do this continuously for about 5-10 minutes.

Guess what?

Your butter is ready.

Now you can package in airtight plastics and store in your refrigerator.

Credit to the owner


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