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By Finegirl
10 August, 2023 - 12:32 am
Cooking Discussion
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1. They make sure, they empty palm oil bottle by placing it on top of a cooking pot, so that the palm oil will melt, for them to use everything in it. They don't like waste.

2. Licking spoon that will still be used to turn the cooking food, without washing it.

3. Always wash fingers used in pressing Maggie inside food..

4. The top of the deep freezer is mostly used as chair and sometimes as dinning table for eating.

5. Using oversized polo for mopping the kitchen floor.

6. Always prepare rice on Sundays. This is a long standing tradition that are kept by most families.

7. Broom and parker are always behind the kitchen door and we don't know who brought this idea to us.

8. Sometimes, garri and soup is taken as breakfast. They prefer heavy meal rather than light meal as breakfast.

9. Putting Maggie inside empty cream container.

10. Washing all plates used for the day the next day morning. This is a long standing tradition.

11. Yam and potatoes are mostly kept on the kitchen floor.

12. Eva bottle filled with water inside freezer, but na tap water dey inside.

13. Always have one garri ancient turning stick. It is hardly replaced.

14. Having at least 3 knives, but you must use only one, while the others are hardly used.

15. Fastfood takeaway plate is often kept inside another one and another one inside another one and another inside another one. They are hardly throw away.

16. Always keep onions inside basket. This is a long tradition.

17. Putting all pots inside the biggest pot.

18. Nylon are often kept inside nylon, inside another nylon,inside one big nylon where all nylons are kept, nylon are hardly throw away.

19. Always prepare Akara or moi moi and pap on Saturday. No one knows who brought this idea to us.

20. No one, even his wife dares to use Daddy's plate and cup. They are special property.

21. Eating breakfast too late, sometimes in the afternoon. This is as a way to reduce cost of living.

22. Putting pots in the fridge, rather than putting the food in containers. This is usually done to save time and stress.
23. Mortar and pestle are hardly washed, they can be used for months without washing it.

24. Prefer licking an oiled fingers, rather than washing them.

25. Sour soups are hardly throw away, but they are often renovated.

To be continued later...


If 5 of these is not found in your kitchen, then you are not from Nigeria

Written by: Food Research kitchen


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