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My first salary as a Teacher was 4,000 naira Monthly.

By Peace
1 August, 2023 - 07:13 am
Career Counseling
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My first salary as a Teacher was 4,000 naira Monthly.

That was in Roland Private School Lagos.

It was a new school and that was where I started my teaching Career as a young secondary school graduate.

With that money, I forward my education to the level where I am today.

As I write this, I earn a little above 50k as a teacher every month but I earn over 100k monthly aside from my salary.

What is my point here?

Your salary is not a bribe given to you to forget your dreams...
Instead, it is a seed given to you to help build your dreams.

Imagine if I spent my 4k salary on luxuries, I would still be where I was 14 years ago.

As a teacher, have the heart of investing your salary on trainings and courses within the scope of Education.

Don't fall in the pack of teachers that wants trainings free of charge.

I have paid 43,000 on an online training and till now, I have not benefitted financially from it yet.

I have also spent 2k on another training and benefitted immensely within 2 weeks.

This is a period of Holiday, there are so many trainings out there.
Even if you don't trust the ones I am offering, buy from the people you trust.

Get trained on stuffs that would make you earn money.

Don't be a classroom teacher that cannot pitch himself outside the classroom.

What is your boss does not pay you August Salary, would you thrive?
Kill that gratification and  buy a course that would better your life and finances outside the wall of the classroom.

You can decide to ignore this though,
I stand to lose nothing.

But if you want to learn any of my skills that I'll offer, send me a message inbox.

To your Success as a Teacher


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