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By Peace
16 August, 2023 - 07:21 am
Stories For Kids
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"Mistakes are proof that you are trying." This was the quote that Sarah lived by. She was a young artist who loved to paint, draw, and create. Every time she sat down with her paints and brushes, she knew that she was going to make mistakes. But she also knew that those mistakes were a sign that she was trying, that she was pushing herself to create something new and beautiful.

One day, Sarah decided to enter an art contest. She had never entered one before, but she felt ready to take on the challenge. She spent hours working on her piece, pouring her heart and soul into every stroke of the brush. When she was finished, she stood back to admire her work.

But then she noticed a mistake - a big one. She had accidentally smudged the paint in the corner of the canvas, leaving an ugly mark. Sarah felt her heart sink. She had worked so hard on this piece, and now it was ruined.

But then she remembered her favorite quote. Mistakes are proof that you are trying. She decided to embrace the mistake, to turn it into something beautiful. She added more paint, blending colors in new and unexpected ways.

When she was finished, she stepped back again to admire her work. The mistake was still there, but now it was a part of something even more beautiful than before. Sarah knew that she had done her best, and that was all that mattered.

A few weeks later, Sarah received a letter in the mail. She had won first prize in the art contest. The judges had been impressed by her creativity and her willingness to take risks. Sarah felt a surge of pride and joy. She knew that it was her willingness to embrace the mistakes that had helped her win.

From that day on, Sarah continued to create beautiful art, knowing that mistakes were simply a sign that she was trying, that she was growing and learning. And she never forgot her favorite quote: "Mistakes are proof that you are trying."


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